IoT — Internet of Things — definition

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IoT — Internet of Things and connected “objects

In theInter­net of Things — IoT, an “object” can be:

  • a per­son: for exam­ple, a patient suf­fer­ing from brad­yarrhyth­mia could be fit­ted with a pace­mak­er, itself equipped with sen­sors to col­lect data in real time and alert the refer­ring med­ical staff in case of problem
  • ani­mals that car­ry a chip (transpon­der) in order to be mon­i­tored remotely
  • a car with sen­sors to alert the dri­ver when the pres­sure of his tires is too low, but also pro­vides him with dri­ving assis­tance, … not to men­tion semi-autonomous cars, com­mu­ni­ca­tion between vehicles …

IoT refers to any nat­ur­al or human-made object that can be assigned an IP address and the abil­i­ty to trans­fer data over a net­work.

Internet of Things — IoT in brief

Ecosys­tem of phys­i­cal objects con­nect­ed to the Inter­net, which allows the exchange of data and infor­ma­tion between these objects and the Internet.

IoT con­sists of 4 main elements:

  • objects, serv­ing as sensors
  • the net­work
  • the data and/or infor­ma­tion cap­tured or used by the object
  • but also the oper­at­ing appli­ca­tions allow­ing the use of these objects as well as the data and infor­ma­tion used

Exam­ples: smart­phone, con­nect­ed watch, toll tag, pallet 


IoT and industry

In Jan­u­ary 2019, IDC released its esti­mates for the glob­al Inter­net of Things mar­ket. Spend­ing on the Inter­net of Things is expect­ed to reach 657 bil­lion euros, of which 173 bil­lion euros will come from indus­try.

The IoT is already used in industry to

  • data col­lec­tion. They are essen­tial for mon­i­tor­ing oper­a­tions and indus­tri­al equip­ment: tem­per­a­ture, humid­i­ty, loca­tion and mon­i­tor­ing of equip­ment, etc.
  • improve per­for­mance: increase pro­duc­tion with few­er resources (human or material)
  • Reduce costs, includ­ing, once again, those relat­ed to human resources. Con­nect­ed objects are indeed able to per­form sim­ple tasks, usu­al­ly done by employ­ees, such as col­lect­ing data
  • improve main­te­nance. By antic­i­pat­ing and avoid­ing machine and equip­ment break­downs, oper­a­tional and pro­duc­tion interruptions…



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