Supply Chain training online or onsite

Against a back­drop of tight recruit­ment, increas­ing­ly com­plex raw mate­ri­als sup­plies and grow­ing sup­ply chain issues, both com­pa­nies and employ­ees need to remain effi­cient and adaptable.

In addi­tion to ini­tial train­ing, voca­tion­al train­ing is a mean to enable com­pa­nies and their employ­ees to deploy their com­pet­i­tive advan­tages and adapt to orga­ni­za­tion­al and tech­no­log­i­cal changes in the marketplace.

Bear­ing in mind that train­ing enables us to mobi­lize our employ­ees and devel­op their shared vision of the busi­ness and the sec­tor from the same per­spec­tive, we have devel­oped our train­ing offer around 5 themes:

camion représentant la logistique et le transport


Ensure cus­tomer deliv­ery with a good under­stand­ing of the var­i­ous ware­house activities”

sportif de combat représentant la philosophie du lean management

Lean Management

Dis­cov­er the lean work­streams and tools that facil­i­tate the con­tin­u­ous improve­ment of your com­pa­ny’s workflows”

route représentant la bonne gestion de projet et leurs organisation

Project Management

The keys to a project deliv­ered on time, on bud­get and with defined resources”

bloc de pierre représentant les formations sur mesures

Customized training

ALOER’s Supply Chain training expertise

At ALOER, train­ing is an inte­gral part of our ERP and Sup­ply Chain soft­ware inte­gra­tion missions.

We have imple­ment­ed over 120 projects world­wide and trained all key-users on the asso­ci­at­ed Sup­ply Chain soft­ware modules.

Based on these expe­ri­ences, we have devel­oped con­crete, oper­a­tional train­ing cours­es to help your sup­ply chain staff improve their skills.

Delib­er­ate­ly prac­ti­cal rather than the­o­ret­i­cal, our train­ing cours­es are illus­trat­ed by real-life cas­es from indus­try to dis­tri­b­u­tion.

Our train­ing cours­es enable us to equip our cus­tomers over the long term, pro­vid­ing them with the keys to the busi­ness that will sup­port the accel­er­at­ing pace of change in their industry.

ALOER is list­ed on the French Data­Dock, the ref­er­ence plat­form for qual­i­ty ref­er­enc­ing of train­ing organizations.

Data­dock accred­i­ta­tion con­firms the qual­i­ty of the train­ing pro­vid­ed by ALOER Con­sul­tants and the pro­fes­sion­al­ism of its teach­ing team and train­ing consultants.

Our trainers

Our firm and our cer­ti­fied train­ing con­sul­tants can help you improve your skills and competitiveness. 

They are based on 4 pil­lars to ensure the best qual­i­ty of knowl­edge transmission:

  • Ped­a­gogy
  • Exper­tise
  • Sup­port
  • Small groups

The importance of professional Supply Chain training

The dif­fi­cul­ty of find­ing pro­files with the right sup­ply chain skills moti­vates us to train the var­i­ous play­ers involved.

In addi­tion to the skills short­age, the changes inher­ent to the busi­ness and the new issues emerg­ing in the sup­ply chain are strong incen­tives to turn to alter­na­tive means. 

Train­ing to help employ­ees grow and devel­op their pro­fes­sion­al skills is an excel­lent lever.

ALO­ER’s train­ing pro­grams are designed to helpemploy­ees adapt to their work­sta­tions, to changes in their pro­fes­sions and to devel­op their skills:

  • acquire a high­er qual­i­fi­ca­tion relat­ed to their job
  • antic­i­pate to replace a com­pe­tent resource (pri­or to departure)
  • in-house skills availability

Train­ing is also very much in demand when start­ing up a new project , so that teams can tack­le any chal­lenge.

Pro­fes­sion­al train­ing also helps employ­ees to exploit the full poten­tial of soft­ware and new tech­nolo­gies. In this way, life­long learn­ing becomes cru­cial to evolve in a world of per­pet­u­al evolution.

Final­ly, to avoid being left behind by the com­pe­ti­tion, train­ing makes it eas­i­er to adapt to change and con­sol­i­date the com­pa­ny’s com­pet­i­tive advantage.

Thanks to our prag­mat­ic, field-ori­ent­ed train­ing cours­es, your employ­ees are ready to face the chal­lenges of the busi­ness world, sup­ply chain, logis­tics and ERP.

The importance of Supply Chain professions

Com­mit­ted to the enhance­ment and pro­mo­tion of Sup­ply Chain pro­fes­sions — see in par­tic­u­lar the series of Inter­views Pas­sion Sup­ply Chain series, ALOER plays an active role in the ongo­ing train­ing of play­ers in the sector.

Top man­age­ment and finance depart­ments now have a press­ing need to bet­ter under­stand sup­ply chain issues and their impact on per­for­mance indicators. 

An effi­cient sup­ply chain not only reduces costs, but also pre­serves the com­pa­ny’s work­ing cap­i­tal requirements.

As a bonus,train­ing your employ­ees is a way of enhanc­ing your com­pa­ny’s image:

  • devel­op­ing employ­ees’ knowl­edge con­tributes to their job satisfaction,
  • High-per­form­ing employ­ees con­vey a pos­i­tive image both inter­nal­ly and with cus­tomers, and build tal­ent loyalty.

Train­ing is an excel­lent way to sup­port and encour­age your teams.

ALOER also applies this mod­el to the skills devel­op­ment of its own teams.

supply chain training

The objectives of our Supply Chain training courses

Train­ing for all:

  • direc­tions,
  • sup­ply chain operations,
  • ware­house and logis­tics operators
  • in-house project leaders

We also pro­vide cross-dis­ci­pli­nary train­ing across the entire spec­trum of sup­ply chain professions:

  • from pro­cure­ment to ware­house management
  • through S&OP and forecasting,
  • sched­ul­ing and planning.

We also pay par­tic­u­lar atten­tion to exchanges between trainees and train­ers. That’s why we pre­fer small groups lim­it­ed to 6/8 people. 

ALOER is also com­mit­ted to ongo­ing train­ing for its employ­ees through­out their careers. We con­tribute to the pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment of our con­sul­tants by giv­ing them access to new knowledge.

The objec­tive? Devel­op their know-how as well as their inter­per­son­al skills in all our areas of expertise.

Our pro­fes­sion­al train­ing cours­es do not award a diplo­ma, but a cer­tifi­cate prov­ing par­tic­i­pa­tion and val­i­da­tion of pri­or learning.

Who can benefit from ALOER’s training courses? 

What­ev­er …

  • your ini­tial train­ing or spe­cial­iza­tion (mas­ter’s degree in man­age­ment, eco­nom­ics, trans­port and logis­tics, inter­na­tion­al trade), 
  • your lev­el of study (Grandes Ecoles or uni­ver­si­ty, all RNCP 2, 3 or 7 grades), 
  • your pro­fes­sion­al and indus­tri­al expe­ri­ence (retail, logis­tics, sup­ply chain, account­ing, etc.), 

… we have the right Sup­ply Chain Man­age­ment training.

All our train­ing cours­es con­tribute to the ongo­ing train­ing of your com­pa­ny’s employees.

Supply Chain Fundamentals training

Our Fun­da­men­tals cours­es have no pre­req­ui­sites. Their aim is to teach the basics of the Sup­ply Chain, and to estab­lish the spe­cif­ic ter­mi­nol­o­gy of the Sup­ply Chain — acronyms, use of terms (French/English), etc. — that are used in the sup­ply chain. In fact, it’s a good idea to start by shar­ing a com­mon vocab­u­lary to famil­iar­ize our­selves with the concepts.

That’s why our train­ing cours­es also define and/or remind us not only of the terms, but also of the roles of each Sup­ply Chain play­er and their inter­ac­tions with­in the com­pa­ny: this knowl­edge is a pre­req­ui­site for over­all performance.

Prac­ti­cal details : dura­tion, rates, costs (trav­el, accom­mo­da­tion, cater­ing, room hire…) are detailed in our brochures.

Specialized training

Train­ing cours­es (except for the fun­da­men­tals) are sub­ject to dif­fer­ent pre­req­ui­sites depend­ing on the course.

The most com­mon pre­req­ui­site is a basic knowl­edge of the sub­ject on which you are to be trained. This could be basic ALOER train­ing, or a proven track record in your posi­tion or hier­ar­chi­cal rank in your company. 

The course pre­sen­ta­tion sheets give a pre­cise sum­ma­ry of the pre­req­ui­sites required for each course.

So whether you want to make progress with Lean, Sup­ply Chain or to devel­op your skills in infor­ma­tion sys­tems or project man­age­ment, take a look at our train­ing sheets.

Customized training

If you would like a cus­tomized train­ing course:

  • ded­i­cat­ed to your own issues?
  • group­ing 2 top­ics in one?

Togeth­er, we will design a train­ing mod­ule to meet your spe­cif­ic needs and expectations.

Our cus­tomized train­ing approach is detailed here (hyper­link).

Inter-company and in-company training

  • In-com­pa­ny train­ing: exclu­sive­ly for your employ­ees. It is designed to meet the spe­cif­ic needs of your organization
  • Inter-com­pa­ny train­ing: brings togeth­er employ­ees from dif­fer­ent com­pa­nies and sectors

In-company training — initiating improvements together

In-com­pa­ny train­ing offers many advan­tages in terms of price, con­tent, organization…

1. Optimize your training budget

  • In-com­pa­ny train­ing lim­its your com­pa­ny’s expens­es. By host­ing the train­er on your premis­es, you can avoid trav­el and accom­mo­da­tion costs for your trainees.

2. Choose date and location

  • The com­pa­ny choos­es its own train­ing date(s): this allows it to con­trol the for­mat and inte­grate train­ing into employ­ees’ sched­ules with­out dis­rupt­ing ongo­ing projects with imposed dates. 

3. Customize your training

  • In-com­pa­ny train­ing can be ful­ly cus­tomized and adapt­ed to a spe­cif­ic prob­lem encoun­tered by your teams, your com­pa­ny or your sec­tor of activity.
  • Ses­sions are adapt­ed to the num­ber of par­tic­i­pants (from 1 to 8 peo­ple) and their lev­el of knowl­edge (depart­ments, man­age­ment, begin­ners or experts, etc.).

4. Confidentiality of exchanges

  • All exchanges and data (case stud­ies, exam­ples, etc.) are pro­tect­ed by pro­fes­sion­al secre­cy and con­fi­den­tial­i­ty clauses.

5. Employee skills

  • The in-com­pa­ny for­mat ensures that employ­ees devel­op their skills by putting into prac­tice the knowl­edge they have acquired and adapt­ing it to the spe­cif­ic prob­lems of your organization.
  • It pro­vides an oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn about best prac­tices in the sec­tor and to keep abreast of new busi­ness technologies.

Inter-company training: sharing experience as a bonus

Would you like to fol­low a train­ing course while exchang­ing ideas with your peers from oth­er companies?

Inter-com­pa­ny train­ing is for you. This for­mu­la offers sev­er­al advan­tages for both trainees and com­pa­nies. Such as out­sourc­ing your entire orga­ni­za­tion, or ben­e­fit­ing from the expe­ri­ence, knowl­edge and skills of oth­er employees.

A real oppor­tu­ni­ty to exchange best busi­ness prac­tices, they bring togeth­er pro­fes­sion­als who, like you, are keen to grow in one or oth­er of the themes pro­posed. The best prac­tices imple­ment­ed else­where are a source of enrich­ment and an asset for your com­pa­ny’s development.

Face-to-face supply chain training or distance learning?

With a large num­ber of cus­tomers locat­ed inter­na­tion­al­ly, our con­sul­tants are accus­tomed to dis­tance learning.

What’s more, our teach­ing method ensures that trainees in dis­tance learn­ing ses­sions are just as well trained as in face-to-face sessions.

Face-to-face training

Face-to-face train­ing is the tra­di­tion­al train­ing method. This for­mat is reas­sur­ing for par­tic­i­pants, and from expe­ri­ence encour­ages more exchanges. 

Distance learning or online training

With dis­tance learn­ing, there’s no need to com­mit your bud­get (cater­ing, accom­mo­da­tion, room hire, etc.).

Multilingual training: French and English

ALOER is based in Lyon, France. Thanks to our inter­na­tion­al activ­i­ties, we can train your employ­ees in Eng­lish and French.

We can also pro­vide train­ing in Span­ish on cer­tain sub­jects, thanks to the native bilin­gual­ism of some of our consultants.