ALOER’s Supply Chain Trainer Consultants

ALOER ‘s Sup­ply Chain train­er con­sul­tants are experts in the fields and/or tools in which they inter­vene, enabling them to sup­port and trans­form organizations.

They keep a per­ma­nent tech­ni­cal and eco­nom­ic watch on their area of exper­tise, to ensure they have the essen­tial skills to meet cus­tomers’ sup­ply chain man­age­ment needs. 

This watch is com­plet­ed by the years of expe­ri­ence and career paths of each individual.

Expert supply chain consultants

ALO­ER’s ERP and Sup­ply Chain con­sul­tants are glob­al sup­ply chain specialists. 

In oth­er words, their exper­tise cov­ers all the com­pa­ny’s flows: IT flows and the phys­i­cal flow of goods. 

They’ll be with you every step of the way. They ensure that the skills and knowl­edge you need to suc­ceed are passed on.


Éti­enne GEORGES, con­sul­tant since 1998, in the fields of fore­cast­ing, plan­ning and sched­ul­ing (over 50 assign­ments for inter­na­tion­al com­pa­nies). Cre­ator and man­ag­er of ALOER consultants.

Author of tech­ni­cal arti­cles includ­ing the S&OP process — How can we work togeth­er to arbi­trate, solve and plan for the future?

Train­ing: CPIM — APICS (2001), Doc­tor­ate in Mechan­ics — École Cen­trale Lyon (1996), Engi­neer in Mechan­ics and Pro­duc­tion — École Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Saint Éti­enne (1993).

Expertise/Trainer : Sup­ply Chain — Fore­cast­ing — Plan­ning and sched­ul­ing — S&OP


Céline MOULIN, senior con­sul­tant since 2014 with ALOER in the fields of sched­ul­ing, plan­ning, S&OP, fore­cast­ing and ERP, for which she has tak­en part in over 30 assign­ments in French and inter­na­tion­al companies.

Train­ing: Biotech­nol­o­gy engi­neer from the École Poly­tech­nique Uni­ver­si­taire de Mar­seille (2013). Céline is CPIM — APICS certified.

Exper­tise / train­er: Infor S&OP IBP — Sales fore­casts — Plan­ning — SOP, Infor AS — Sched­ul­ing, Infor IBP — Report­ing. ERP Infor Blending.

Jeanne-Ruth TERRISSE

Jeanne-Ruth TERRISSE, Senior Sup­ply Chain Con­sul­tant at ALOER, has over 25 years’ expe­ri­ence in ERP and SUPPLY CHAIN projects. 

Edu­ca­tion : Mas­ter Com­merce International

Exper­tise / Train­er : Sup­ply Chain — Fore­cast­ing — Plan­ning and sched­ul­ing — S&OP / SOP, Infor IBP — Sales fore­cast­ing — Plan­ning — S&OP, Infor AS — Sched­ul­ing, Infor IBP — Reporting

Déborah TENEAU

Déb­o­rah Teneau, Sup­ply Chain Con­sul­tant, has over 10 years’ expe­ri­ence of sup­ply chain opti­miza­tion, orga­ni­za­tion and WMS and ERP deploy­ment projects. 

Train­ing: Mas­ter’s degree in Pur­chas­ing and Logis­tics. She is CPIM Apics certified.

Expertise/Trainer: Lean Man­u­fac­tur­ing — ERP imple­men­ta­tion and deploy­ment Infor Blend­ing — Project man­age­ment and change management, 


Ernesto CORDOBA, senior con­sul­tant, since 2015 with ALOER, with tech­ni­cal exper­tise in the deploy­ment of sup­ply chain man­age­ment soft­ware pack­ages for cus­tomers based in France and Europe. He is CPIM Apics certified.

Its areas of action: data inte­gra­tion, tech­ni­cal instal­la­tion and para­me­ter­i­za­tion of solu­tions from var­i­ous vendors.

Exper­tise / train­er Infor IBP — Sup­ply Chain Vault, ITK, ION, IFS (Infor) — ERP (Odoo — Open ERP) — Ora­cle Data-base, Microsoft SQL Server.


Photo de Fantin Richard, Consultant ALOER.

Fan­tin RICHARD, Sup­ply Chain con­sul­tant at ALOER, has +5 years’ expe­ri­ence in Sup­ply Chain projects. In par­tic­u­lar, he has led or con­tributed to over 10 Sup­ply Chain projects in France, Europe and inter­na­tion­al­ly, both func­tion­al projects and IS inte­gra­tion projects spe­cial­iz­ing in this field. 

Edu­ca­tion: Mas­ter’s degree in Inter­na­tion­al Trade and Sup­ply Chain Man­age­ment from École Supérieure du Com­merce Extérieure (2017).

Expertise/trainer: Sup­ply Chain — Fore­cast­ing — Plan­ning and sched­ul­ing — S&OP / PIC — Lean Man­u­fac­tur­ing — Project man­age­ment and busi­ness consulting.

Transferring Supply Chain expertise through training

ALOER con­sul­tants can also help you with your sup­ply chain or ERP inte­gra­tion projects. 

Our Sup­ply Chain con­sul­tants are hands-on peo­ple with excel­lent inter­per­son­al skills, and their train­ing cours­es are designed to be prag­mat­ic and rapid­ly operational.

Train­ing cours­es are illus­trat­ed by numer­ous prac­ti­cal exam­ples and cus­tomer “used cas­es”. They ensure that the knowl­edge acquired by trainees is quick­ly put into prac­tice, what­ev­er their position.